Galilee Medical Center and Nahariya, Israel

In its essence, the word hospital represents a primal hope as it means healing!

One Israeli hospital, pridefully fulfills that mission. The Galilee Medical Center, whose vision is "People to People Medicine," is a national center of excellence and represents the highest ethical principles and humane values, reaching beyond the sectarian religious and ethnic hatreds that bloody most of the Middle East. Syria, so tragically racked by its own destructive and gory civil war, still continues to maintain its decades old hateful war with its southern neighbor, Israel, while actively supportingcontinuing terror against the Jewish state.

The Galilee Medical Center, a very special institution guided by its commitment to heal, has freely accepted the heavy idealistic mission of responding to the urgent medical needs of those who are sworn to its destruction and the destruction of Israel and its inhabitants. Located on the Israeli-Lebanese border, the GMC built Israel's first underground hospital in 2004, enabling provision of continuous and safe care of patients in time of war.

This vital medical practice of the Galilee Medical Center is a very special mission that; confronts and responds with idealistic care to both hatred and war wounds. This Israeli hospital and its multi-religious and ethnic staff are a few kilometers from the norther border with Syria who freely accepts the war wounded and civilian personnel who are secretly spirited across the border from the devastating conflict in Syria seeking and receiving care, hope and life.

Dr. Arie Eisenman, head of internal medicine within the Emergency Department at the Galilee Medical Center, is representing the Medical Center today and will accept their award.

The Global Medical Missions Hall of Fame is honored to recognize the Galilee Medical Center in the Class of 2017.